Background and Objective:Educational evaluations usually focus on results while ignoring the learning process. This study investigates peer evaluation as a new model of educational evaluation of group presentation of a physiology course for nursing students and their satisfaction with this new method. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on nursing students of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences who had chosen the physiology course. In this study, glandular physiology was divided into ten sections of approximately equal volume, and presentations were made by all group members. After the presentations of each chapter by the students, the evaluation sheet was provided to each group to evaluate the mastery in presenting content, the appropriate design of the slides, the presentation skills, answering the questions, and observing the proper timing for the presentations. This evaluation sheet was completed by the teacher and all the groups. Also, a questionnaire containing eight items was used to measure students' satisfaction with this evaluation method among students. Findings:The evaluation results showed the successful peer evaluation of the group presentation of the physiology lesson according to the scoring criteria (with an average score of 3.72±0.19 out of 4 scores). Moreover, issues like students' satisfaction with the grade considered for the presentation, the number of items considered for evaluation, the effect of the student's presentation on increasing their abilities in presenting the material, and the level of comprehensibility of the material presented by the student showed the success of peer evaluation of the group presentations). Conclusion:Peer evaluation of group presentations can help strengthen students' learning by focusing on certain criteria. It involves students in the process of learning and developing their ability in critical thinking, which leads to a decrease in dependence on professors and an increase in independence in the evaluation process
Mohebbati R, Rostamian M. Investigating Peer Evaluations and Satisfaction of Group Presentations of Physiology for Nursing Students. mededj 2024; 13 URL: