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:: Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018) ::
mededj 2018, 6(2): 32-38 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of an effective teaching’s characteristics from Babol dental faculty postgraduate students´ viewpoints
Maryam Seyyed Majidi , Seyyed Ali Seyyed Majidi * , Fatemeh Hbibzadeh Bijani , Effat Khodadadi , Mina Motalebnejad
Dental Materials Research Center
Abstract:   (5541 Views)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The missions of a university are education, research and social services. Because of the attention to education has been decreased in the evaluation of scientific activities, the evaluation of education should be made due to determining its effectiveness. Knowing the opinions of the postgraduate students about the features of effective teaching could have a significant effect on educational managers programing. METHODS: This descriptive-analytical research was carried out as a cross-sectional study in 2017-2018 academic years. Sampling was performed by census method. Data collection tool was a questionnaire consisted of two parts of demographic data and effective teaching items in four fields of scholarship, teaching method, relationship with assistant and personal characteristics. To analyze the data, SPSS version 22 software was used and the significance level of 0.05 was considered. FINDINGS: From the viewpoints of postgraduate students, the fields of individual characteristics and communication with the students have the most and the least importance, respectively. The mean score of the field of individual characteristics with other fields (P=0.001), the field of scholarship between male and female participants (P=0.017), the fields of relationship with the students and individual characteristics between the participants with different academic fields (P=0.009 and P=0.021, respectively), the fields of teaching method and individual characteristics between the participants with different enterance years (P=0.023 and P=0.037, respectively) and the fields of communication with the students, teaching method and individual characteristics between the participants with different total average (P=0.005, P=0.034 and P=0.008, respectively), were statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Individual characteristics of faculty members from the viewpoints of postgraduate students had the greatest impact on the effectiveness of teaching, which could be considered along with other studied fields in this study, to improve the quality of education.
Keywords: Postgraduate Students, Medical Sciences University, Teaching effectiveness
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/09/18 | Accepted: 2018/09/18 | Published: 2018/09/18
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Seyyed Majidi M, Seyyed Majidi S A, Hbibzadeh Bijani F, Khodadadi E, Motalebnejad M. Evaluation of an effective teaching’s characteristics from Babol dental faculty postgraduate students´ viewpoints . mededj 2018; 6 (2) :32-38
URL: http://mededj.ir/article-1-264-en.html

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