Dental Materials Research Center, Dental School, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran
Abstract: (14609 Views)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Evaluation is one of the inseparable parts of educational programs of academy and a well-organized evaluation can promote the quality of education doubtlessly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the evaluation status of theoretical & practical units from students, point of view.
METHODS: This descriptive-analytic study was conducted cross-sectional on 56 dental students of Babol University of medical sciences (entrance 2003, 2004). Questionnaire was designed in two parts, part I contained 5 multiple choice questions and part II contained a table on students evaluation (11 items for theoretical units and 4 items for practical units), each item was scored 0-4 according to the student's idea. The overall status of evaluation was determined and separated for each department.Finally all data were analyzed with SPSS software and statistic test of Mann-Whiteney.
FINDINGS: According to our findings, overall status of evaluation in school was assessed to be fair to undesirable which was not related to age, gender, year of entrance,academic average and entrance quota (p=0.086). According to the total score of each department, all departments ranked in moderate score except for prosthesis department which ranked in undesirable range (p=0.343). In evaluation of theoretical units, all departments ranked in moderate score and in evaluation of practical units, community-oriented dentistry department ranked in optimal score (p=0.001), prosthesis department (p=0.987), periodontology department (p=0.058) and surgery department (p=0.492) ranked in undesirable and other departments ranked in moderate scores.
CONCLUSION: According to the results,all of the students in this study, represented the theoretical and practical evaluation status of Dental School of Babol,in undesirable range. Students with different ages, different genders, different entrance year, entrance quota and different academic averages all agreed on this opinion,therefore we can conclude that revision in theoretical and practical evaluation of school is inevitable.
Motallebnejad M, Haghanifar S, Jahanian I, Farsiani M. Assessment Students’ Opinion About the Evaluation of Educational Programs in Babol Dental School. mededj 2013; 1 (1) :18-25 URL: