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:: Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2018) ::
mededj 2018, 6(1): 28-34 Back to browse issues page
Attitude of first-year students of physiotherapy towards their field of study and future career in Babol University of Medical Sciences
Arsalan Ghourbanpour , Ghadam Ali Talebi , Mohammad Taghipour *
Mobility Impairment Research Center, Health Research Institute
Abstract:   (6821 Views)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Attitude Students towards the field of study and the future career should always be considered by health authorities of education and welfare system in each country. Positive attitudes can lead to increase students' satisfaction with the field of study and thereby foster the more effective and interested of human capital. The aim of this study was to determine the attitude of first-year students of physiotherapy towards their field of study and future career in Babol University of Medical Sciences.
METHODS: This applied resaerch, in a descriptive-analytical method, was conducted in three years sequentially. The sample size of study was 61 of the first year of physiotherapy students. Data were collected by a questionnaire including demographic information and 25 five-choice questions. Finally, Data were analyzed by descriptive tests, T-test and Pearson tests using SPSS V-16 software.
FINDINGS: The mean of students' attitude score was obtained 77.62±9.66, respectively, indicates positive attitude of students to their field of study and future career. Individual interest score (self-concept) was obtained 7.76±1.47 for the field of study, which indicates a relatively good interest of the students. Also, There was a significant correlation between these two variables.
CONCLUSION: The attitude of physiotherapy students towards their field of study and future career is relatively positive. According to activate performance in the human resources in the field of health system, Planning accurately for promote clinical-professional increase job opportunities should be taken to strengthen attitude.
Keywords: Attitude, Future Education and Career, Physiotherapy students, Babol University of Medical Sciences
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/03/19 | Accepted: 2018/03/19 | Published: 2018/03/19
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Ghourbanpour A, Talebi G A, Taghipour M. Attitude of first-year students of physiotherapy towards their field of study and future career in Babol University of Medical Sciences. mededj 2018; 6 (1) :28-34
URL: http://mededj.ir/article-1-246-en.html

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