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:: Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017) ::
mededj 2017, 5(1): 7-13 Back to browse issues page
Assessment of educational group’s status based on types of evaluation methods of medical students at the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences 2014
Javad Kojury , Sara Rivaz * , Mitra Amini , Mojdeh Rivaz
Education Development Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (7344 Views)

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Evaluation is one of the major aspects in process of educational activities. Evaluation provides the possibility to assess strengthens and weaknesses. The present study has been conducted under the goal to assess approach of students evaluation by basic sciences and clinical sciences educational groups at medical school of Shiraz university of medical sciences.

METHODS: The present study is a cross sectional and descriptive-analytic. In order to assess medical school exams, a check list was designed and distribution to educational groups´ managers of basic and clinical sciences. After data were gathered, data analysis was performed.

FINDINGS: According to the result, 93.16% of clinical educational groups used multiple choices question (MCQ), 61.79% used Log-book, 3.57% OSCE, 50.83% DOPS, 45.57% Practical Exam,43.41% used Descriptive, 38.21% Oral Exam and 22.87% used Dobs. The basic groups the most average used 67.9% MCQ and 66.3% Descriptive Exam. While none of them no used Dobs and  Mini cex.

CONCLUSION: MCQs can only assess low leaves of cognitive knowledge, in which practical knowledge is critical using evaluation approaches such as descriptive exams, and Mini cex can approaches assess higher levels of cognitive knowledge along with emotional and psycho-motor aspects which can evaluation quality. Due to the fact that in most groups examined in this study MCQ was the most commonly used, results derived from the presents study were announced to educational groups in order to enhance their evaluation effectiveness by using different types of evaluations.

Keywords: Students ´Evaluation Methods, MCQ, Medicine School, Shiraz
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/03/15 | Accepted: 2017/03/15 | Published: 2017/03/15
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Kojury J, Rivaz S, Amini M, Rivaz M. Assessment of educational group’s status based on types of evaluation methods of medical students at the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences 2014 . mededj 2017; 5 (1) :7-13
URL: http://mededj.ir/article-1-205-en.html

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