Mahboobeh Nasiri, Fatemeh Shirinkam, Behnaz Rahimiyan, Kolsum Halajyan, Mehri Jahanshahi, Mohaddeseh Mirahmadi,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2014)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Improving the health and health care is one of the responsibilities of medical universities. To know about the employment and research status of graduates is a step in this direction. The purpose of this study was to determine the employment, educational and research status of nursing graduates of Ramsar Fatemeh Zahra faculty of nursing.
METHODS: This retrospective cross – sectional study was conducted in the graduates of 1993- 2009. Data gathering instrument was a questionnaire, consisted of personal, employment, education and research details. Data were collected by phone, post, electronic mail address and direct interview. Data analysis was performed by spss software and descriptive statistics.
FINDINGS: Out of total 633 graduates, the study was performed on 564 individuals in 27 academic periods. All were female and their age ranged 25-58 years. Mean and standard deviation of work experience and the time duration between employment and end of human resources plan or certain contracts were respectively 7.48±7.24 and 3.1±2.56 years. 7.45% of graduates continued their academic education. 2.84% didn, t have any job. 78.36% worked in medical centers, most of them (86.39% ) worked in governmental parts. Most of data about the educational status in the faculty were reported in the state of good and their research activity was minimal.
CONCLUSION: Results showed that nurses are easier than other jobs to be absorbed for employment, but according to the needs of the community, a significant percentage of them choose other jobs. It is suggested that the final selection for nursing degree should be done through interview and according to the interest in this field, and nurses problems also should be notified to solve.